Heidi Garrett
Former Director to Activate
Heidi Garrett, a young mother of four children, loves all creative endeavors but is particularly fond of cooking without recipes and making her husband eat all of the leftovers if she doesn’t like the results! She also experiments with a wide array of art mediums just so she can use her Hobby Lobby coupon. She has started countless sewing projects that are impossible (at least for her) to finish. She frequently finds herself lost in the paradox of wanting to go out into the world and make an impact, versus trying to spend as much time as possible with her children to make that impact. Her struggle with postpartum depression when she was a new mother to twin boys gave her a desire to help new moms make the transition into motherhood with more support and tools to find joy and success in what they were doing instead of just feeling trapped, exhausted, and overwhelmed. She is inspired and motivated by all that Momivate can do to help mothers find that joy and success, as well as what it will do to elevate the position and esteem of mothers in their own eyes and in our society.
As a thank you to those who donate $30 or more to Momivate, we designate a personalized page to the person whose name they submitted to the Wall of Honor. It can include a photo and bio, and visitors to the page can post comments, sharing memories and celebrating this mother!