Jane Hughes
Jane Maurer Lano Hughes, born February 5, 1921 in Bowling Green, Ohio and died February 25, 2000 in Indianapolis, Indiana while in the care of her only daughter, Tami. Also the mother of a son, Terry, who joined the Navy — likely inspired by his mother’s service in the Nave W.A.V.E.S. during World War II. She used her G.I. bill to get her pilot’s license. She was a happy woman even though her life included trials. She was widowed young while her children were still under three years old. She remarried but that marriage ended in divorce. She had a wooden spoon collection that her children and grandchildren would add to from their world travels. She loved children and was a nanny in her retirement. Jane loved her country and would get a tear in her eye when she saw the flag. She loved Scrabble and April Fool’s Day! Grandmother to seven, four girls and three boys. They were so proud of her when she quit smoking “cold turkey” after fifty years. Sadly, the habit still contributed to her passing several years later as emphysema and a heart attack took her life. They remember her fondly especially when singing hymns that she loved!

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