Kay Duke
Kay was born in Kawakawa, New Zealand on Nov 5, 1953. She was the oldest of 6 children of Harry and Muriel Kehoe, who ran a dairy and dry farm in Maromaku, New Zealand. Kay learned to work hard early in her life, and it is one of her strongest abilities. She did all the duties of a farm – milking cows, herding sheep and cattle, and all of the other chores. She went to primary school in Maromaku, and was active in sports and other activities. She loves new experiences and is willing to try anything.
When she was 13 or 14, she began her high school years (called college in New Zealand) at the Church College of New Zealand, where she was a boarding student. She was there for 4 years, and developed independence and social skills.
After finishing CCNZ she moved to Auckland. She then felt the prompting that she should go on a mission, so she moved back home, and worked as a telephone operator in Kawakawa, so she could save up for her mission. She was called to serve in the New Zealand South Mission, later named the New Zealand Wellington Mission, where she served faithfully in a number of areas. She was loved by all of her companions and the people she worked with.
Prior to finishing her mission, she began to write to a missionary in the NZ North mission, and they shared missionary experiences and their love of the gospel. When their missions were completed, they continued writing, and their love and desire to be with each other grew strong. Mark flew back to New Zealand in January 1977, and they were married in the NZ Temple on Feb 9, 1977.
She exercised lots of faith, and the couple flew back to New Zealand, where her husband Mark continued in his university studies. Kay got a job at American Paper company as a receptionist until it was time to give birth to her first child, Aaron. While Mark finished school, she had two other boys, Sean and Kyle. They moved to Cheney, Washington where Mark finished his graduate degree. She served as Primary President while being a remarkable mother and supporting her husband as he completed his degree. During this time, Kay’s mother Muriel had a fatal heart attack and passed away.
Just as her husband Mark was finishing his degree, an opportunity to work for the Church back in New Zealand presented itself, and they accepted the job. Kay was pregnant with her 4th child, and the young family moved back to New Zealand to live and work. Shortly after arriving in New Zealand, Kay had her first daughter, Rachel. Subsequently, she had two more daughters, Celeste and Sarah, and Kay proved to be an exceptional mother. While doing this, she served in a number of different callings in the church. She was loved by all she came in contact with.
After just over 12 years in New Zealand, the Church asked Mark to come back to the US, and the family accepted the position and moved back to New England, where Mark was the Agency Director of the New Hampshire agency. Kay continued to serve and became trained in radiology and worked for a time for a local dentist.
After about 4 years, Mark was asked to come back to Utah, and worked in the Sandy office, and finished his career at Headquarters in several administrative positions. Kay went to work with Costco, where she loved to work and was there for over 20 years. She and Mark moved to West Valley City and retired at the same time. She continues to serve in the Church and is willing to do whatever the Lord asks.
Kay has many talents and abilities, most of which are based around service – service to the Church, her friends and family, and to the community. She has a pleasant disposition and is loved by all she meets. She is kind and nurturing and loved by her children and grandchildren. Over the last year, she felt prompted to go back to school and enrolled in BYU Pathways. She never considered herself a good student, but as she continued her education, her confidence grew, and now she is in a calling helping others choose to further their education.
It is hard to find words to describe such an phenomenal woman! Her husband loves her very much. He says he counts himself blessed to have her as an eternal companion.
Her children also count themselves blessed to have her as such a wonderful Mum.
She truly sets the bar at its highest when it comes to motherhood. Her son Kyle often recalled a memory when he knew his mother was the most beautiful and strong mum in the whole world. At a scouting activity, Kay’s zip line broke and she went crashing to the ground. Her son was so worried but said he had never been prouder to have anyone in the entire world be his mother. She handled it with beauty and grace. The strength she emulated was something he said he would never forget.
Her daughter-in-law, Diana, who submitted Kay’s name to the Wall of Honor, says she is a perfect example of being Christ-like. She is the most kind-hearted woman with the cutest accent you could ever meet. She is fun and full of life and offers the best advice. Her smile can light up a room. Marrying into Kay Duke’s family was the best thing Diana ever did!
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