We inspire and empower moms to embrace their purpose with confidence and joy
— because children need their mothers and their mothers need support
Our Programs
SMILE Gatherings
Connect with other moms in a supportive community where you’ll find encouragement, music, inspiration, laughter, and empowerment.
MomUnity Newsletter
Sign up for our weekly emails filled with uplifting thoughts and useful printables.
Revolving Closets
Exchange outgrown kids’ clothes for the next size up at one of our Revolving Closets, hosted by volunteers in your community. A simple, sustainable way to keep up with growing kids!
Submit the name of a mother you would like to honor and see it on our Wall of Honor.
Memory Trees
In November, ‘mom’inate families in need to receive Christmas trees and decorations, helping brighten their holiday season.
MamaRama – the Ultimate MomBlog
Explore content that speaks to moms, from parenting advice to self-care and more.
Join us every Thursday at 11 AM (Mountain Time) for our weekly live conversation, featuring an interview with a mom followed by an open discussion.
Our Mission
Momivate has four -vate words that are like a set of gears, putting in action the programs of our nonprofit organization.
Learn what we’re doing in each area:

Received free clothing from the Revolving Closet exchange.
Connected through Smile Gathering attendance.
Produced to support and encourage mothers.
Gifted Christmas trees and decorations.