Rachel Hart
ChairMom of Volunteers
Rachel has been married for 12 years to her best friend John. They have 4 kids, 1 boy and 3 girls. You would think it would be a house of sparkles and Barbies but it’s more a house of soccer balls and Pokemon cards, with the occasional tutu skirt being thrown around.
Rachel’s first job was being a nanny and teaching in a day-care. Although that prepared her for the day-to-day of caring for children it did not prepare her for the emotional, mental and physical joys and hardships motherhood comes with.
Rachel graduated from Southern Utah University with a degree in Psychology and minor in Human and Family Development. She worked in human resources before being a full-time stay-at-home mom. Where she still works in human resources for her children, as well as chef, toy-finder, secretary of practices and playdates and an emotional life coach.
She is passionate about the importance of motherhood and raising children in a supportive, loving environment. Rachel experienced severe postpartum anxiety and depression after the birth of 2 of her children. She has had those dark days and wants every Mom to know you are not alone and you are not failing! You got this!
Rachel would love to hear from you at rachelhart@momivate.org