Momivator! A motivator for Moms!

A momivator is a mom who:

  • recognizes the importance of the mothering role
  • is committed to pushing through the challenges and grasping the joy within!
  • She seeks solutions,
  • rejoices in simplification,
  • and is a light to other mothers.

Momivators welcome fellow mothers into a MomUnity (a community for Moms). This MomUnity will gather weekly (in person or online) and S.M.I.L.E. together… Support, Music, Inspiration, Laughter, and Empowerment. This acronym gives structure to each meeting and reminds us to find joy in the journey! More details can be found here!

The “Empowerment” aspect of the SMILE gatherings is a goal-setting and accountability and cheerleading session, centered on the answer to the question: What do moms do? Moms R.A.I.S.E. U.P. Society! This is an acronym — a word that explodes into greater meaning — and its elements are explained in more detail here!

Training to become a Momivator will be provided through a platform which is self-led so that you can fit it into your timetable. (This has yet to be created! If you’d like to join our team and contribute to the creation, click here!)

Each MomUnity (a group of no more than 8 mothers) that you host would require approximately three hours per week of your time — 1.5 hours hosting the SMILE gathering, and an additional 1.5 hours of outreach to the group through texting or Facebook.

We’d love to have you fill out an application as we are starting to get our training under way! 

THANK YOU for being willing to share your enthusiasm for motherhood with fellow moms!