Jaimi Larsen

Jaimi Larsen

Jaimi Larsen

Jaimi Larsen

My childhood was painful, on many levels, in many areas.

I found the gospel of Jesus Christ in my early 20’s. The first time I read Jacob chapter 5 in the Book of Mormon, I immediately saw myself as a tame branch that had been grafted into a wild olive tree.

Upon marriage to a truly wonderful man, I realized I wanted my future family to be different than my past experience. I recognized that I would have to change myself, to be the mother I wanted to be, and to raise my children to effect change for the better for them and future generations. When faced with difficult situations of family matters, conflict resolution, correction, and discipline, I have consciously resisted my automatic inclinations and have intentionally responded in more Christlike ways. This is still a daily challenge and choice after nearly 20 years.

I strive to be an intentional parent, however I am not without more faults than I can count. ​Even though I consistently strive to be an intentional parent, I often fall short. I try to be open with my family, apologize, and try again.

I have faced significant trials in raising my 5 amazing children. Autism, Epilepsy, OCD tendencies, auditory processing deficits, hearing impairment, mood disorders, autoimmune disease, violence, law enforcement involvement, and the removal of one of one of my sons by the state because he was a threat to us.

No one’s life is easy, but each of my trials has brought me closer to my Savior. I have witnessed miracles in myself, my children, and in my family. Most people do not see Autism in our family today. When the statistics were very grim for one of my daughters, the seizures spontaneously stopped. My son experienced miraculous healing and returned home, against the professional prognoses.

Parenting in today’s world, with the constant bombardment of Satan’s influence, is difficult. I make mistakes regularly. It is my faith that gets me out of bed when I feel like giving up. It is my hope of the ultimate reward, eternal life for me, my husband, and my children, that I fight for each and every day.

I have often felt isolated, judged, and pegged as a bad mother. This was especially true during the years when my son was in and out of professional psychological and judicial facilities. I found solace only in my Savior. Conversely, I was also asked by the professionals involved with us why I was still advocating for my son, and why I had not yet given up, as so many in my position had given up much earlier in the process I was in.

I refuse to return to my maker only to declare that it was just too hard. I trusted HIM to light my path, all the time with the hope HE would restore my son. I wanted to know for myself that I tried everything I could, that I explored every option, and I could confidently say I had done my best.

The difficulties and struggles of the past have molded me into the person I am today, and motivated me to choose the harder course to break the negative generational patterns, while embracing the positive attributes I inherited and to give my children the childhood they enjoy. I have learned and grown through raising my children in more ways than I could imagine. I am ever grateful for them. I marvel at their development, their growth, their perseverance, and their triumphs.

While I am not significant in the eyes of the world, or even in the eyes of many I know and associate with, I know that my efforts have improved the lives of my children, family, and even those around me. I strive to live the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet the needs of those I have stewardship over the best way I know how. Because of my past, I am able to meet people where they are at, see their qualities, even when hidden beneath hard behaviors, and to recognize their worth, despite the situation they may presently be in. I endeavor to build people up, rather than tear them down and I trust that my devotion to God will make all the difference in the end.

​I am humbled to learn of this nomination. I am greatly touched that someone has seen fit to honor me. I hope that my story might motivate other mothers to improve themselves and their families. Thank you.


As a thank you to those who donate $30 or more to Momivate, we designate a personalized page to the person whose name they submitted to the Wall of Honor. It can include a photo and bio, and visitors to the page can post comments, sharing memories and celebrating this mother!

Sarah P.

Sarah P.

As a foster parent, Sarah’s identity is protected so she doesn’t have a bio or photo to share. She would like to say: “Motherhood is something I have dreamed about, I feel blessed to be a mother and am thankful for my father in heaven who has allowed and blessed me with my sweet kiddos and they call me mommy!”


As a thank you to those who donate $30 or more to Momivate, we designate a personalized page to the person whose name they submitted to the Wall of Honor. It can include a photo and bio, and visitors to the page can post comments, sharing memories and celebrating this mother!

Heidi Garrett

Heidi Garrett

Heidi Garrett

Heidi Garrett

Former Director to Activate

Heidi Garrett, a young mother of four children, loves all creative endeavors but is particularly fond of cooking without recipes and making her husband eat all of the leftovers if she doesn’t like the results! She also experiments with a wide array of art mediums just so she can use her Hobby Lobby coupon. She has started countless sewing projects that are impossible (at least for her) to finish.  She frequently finds herself lost in the paradox of wanting to go out into the world and make an impact, versus trying to spend as much time as possible with her children to make that impact. Her struggle with postpartum depression when she was a new mother to twin boys gave her a desire to help new moms make the transition into motherhood with more support and tools to find joy and success in what they were doing instead of just feeling trapped, exhausted, and overwhelmed. She is inspired and motivated by all that Momivate can do to help mothers find that joy and success, as well as what it will do to elevate the position and esteem of mothers in their own eyes and in our society. 


As a thank you to those who donate $30 or more to Momivate, we designate a personalized page to the person whose name they submitted to the Wall of Honor. It can include a photo and bio, and visitors to the page can post comments, sharing memories and celebrating this mother!

Jenni Taysom

Jenni Taysom

Jenni Taysom

Jenni Taysom

Former Director to Cultivate

I like to explore and experience the world around me. I adore traveling and so far have got to live in Russia (as a church missionary) and do a study abroad in England. I hope to get the opportunity to explore more countries.

My husband and I with our six children have lived in Florida, near the beach with warm weather year-round. Currently, we live in Alaska, exploring the last frontier and life in a cold climate. Motherhood is its own kind of adventure. I appreciate all the women who have influenced and helped me in my mothering journey and I am thankful for this opportunity to be able to help other mothers in their mothering journey.

My kids range in age from 7 to 18 with the oldest soon leaving home for his own new adventure of life. I graduated from BYU with an English degree. Most of my adult years have been spent as a full time mom. Recently I became certified as a life coach and really enjoy helping people with the process of harnessing their thoughts and being proactive in creating an intentional life.


As a thank you to those who donate $30 or more to Momivate, we designate a personalized page to the person whose name they submitted to the Wall of Honor. It can include a photo and bio, and visitors to the page can post comments, sharing memories and celebrating this mother!

LaReina Hingson

LaReina Hingson

LaReina Hingson

LaReina Hingson

Former Director of Relationship Dynamics

LaReina Hingson has lived in over nine different states all across the country, where she has met a wide variety of women interested and involved in motherhood. Her interest in motherhood started from a young age where she studied pregnancy and fetal development and expanded to areas of reproductive rights and the experiences of women before and after giving birth. She has a doctorate degree in interpersonal communication from Purdue University in Indiana.


As a thank you to those who donate $30 or more to Momivate, we designate a personalized page to the person whose name they submitted to the Wall of Honor. It can include a photo and bio, and visitors to the page can post comments, sharing memories and celebrating this mother!