Caterpillar Mommy

Caterpillar Mommy

By Diana

What do you think of when you hear the word “caterpillar?” 

I can’t help but think of this enormous overwhelming sense of potential that it represents, because I instantly think “butterfly” too.  However, this beautiful butterfly is not created overnight. It takes time, patience, energy. It takes growth in all ways, in all shapes, and in lots of sizes. Each caterpillar enters into its own protective home, and awaits its transformation. 

For me, motherhood has, at times, left me feeling quite like a caterpillar. Being a mom is the thing that adds any butterfly into my life at all. It helps me see my potential, and shows me the beauty within myself. Sometimes that beautiful part emerges and I remember the good in me. 

Aren’t we each a work in progress? Aren’t we all transforming into greater and better versions of ourselves? It is so easy to grow impatient as we change and prepare to spread our wings. We have to trust in ourselves; trust in the “progress” part of “work in progress.” It is okay if you still feel like a caterpillar—as long as you remember you are continually transforming into something fabulous.

Photo by British Library on Unsplash

Let’s Get Real!

Let’s Get Real!

By Annette T. Durfee

Have you ever noticed the oddities of life?


Like how come the birthday cake you’re making never looks like the one in the picture?  Never mind comparing it to the picture – it is actually a cake made of four layers, so that means you actually have to use two cake mixes, but the picture won’t tell you that.  Pay no attention to the fact that the crack in the side of the cake will NOT stay “glued” together, no matter how much frosting you use to cement it together.  Humph!  And please don’t notice the huge crumbs that are adhering to the once-white frosting.  Perhaps, you conclude, the sides look better unfrosted anyway!

OR – Does it ever seem that the most meaningful conversation with your spouse is at the end of the day at the bathroom sink while you are foaming at the mouth with an electric toothbrush wildly sputtering, unable in the least to utter a sensible word?  So, you play the game of charades or better yet – an impromptu sign language as you try to decipher the foreign language without splattering toothpaste blobs on the mirror as you laugh through the hilarity of it all?

OR  – Do you find yourself seething at the injustice of finding that there are always at least 3 diapers left in the package that absolutely WILL NOT fit your baby before they transfer to the next size up?  AND –  Have you ever noticed why, with so few people in the family, you manage to dirty every cup in the house – including the measuring cups?

I’m probably not the only one who has had more than her share of Pinterest fails and foibles.  But if my Betty Crocker skills don’t take the cake at least my attitude will.  If you’re like me, and even one of these scenarios rings true for you, this might be a good time to take a look at a happy principle that can help every mother and homemaker:  realistic expectations.  Yes, with a little reality check, you can take anything that comes with ease.


Did you know that some things are supposed to be imperfect?

Mismatched socks, scuffs on your best running shoes, sticky fingerprints on the fridge door handle.  Almost imperceptibly, dust, flabby bellies, and burnt toast happen.  Life happens! 

There’s nothing wrong with you.  There’s nothing wrong with your family. It is what it is.  And it’s not only OK for it to be this way, it is supposed to be that way! 

Take the coffee table for example – an innocent enough piece of furniture wouldn’t you say?  But in a house full of children, is it really going to stay a center focal piece impressively set with elegant table top décor?   Of course not!  You and I both know that even the best homes aren’t picture perfect. 

We can expect that homes with children have their fair share of crumbs, smelly socks, broken figurines, lost items, scattered toys, ripped pages in books, smears on the sliding glass door, and on and on.  It helps when I know that some things will inevitably happen because it allows me a great deal of sanity for when the unexpected happens and things don’t work out perfectly. 

In fact, if you can look at it with a smile in your heart, you might just find it so ludicrous that it provides a moment of laughter that you look back on with fondness.

While mothering my Littles, I frequently found peace of mind through a quote often attributed to Marjorie Pay Hinckley to help me remember that my priorities were just where they should be:

“I don’t want to drive up to the pearly gates in a shiny sports car, wearing beautifully tailored clothes, my hair expertly coiffed, and with long, perfectly manicured fingernails. I want to drive up in a station wagon that has mud on the wheels from taking kids to scout camp. I want to be there with a smudge of peanut butter on my shirt from making sandwiches for a sick neighbor’s children. I want to be there with a little dirt under my fingernails from helping to weed someone’s garden. I want to be there with children’s sticky kisses on my cheeks and the tears of a friend on my shoulder. I want the Lord to know I was really here, and that I really lived.”

Expecting reality doesn’t mean admitting defeat!

I can expect, for example, that my children will make endless messes (and I will too), but that doesn’t stop us from cleaning it up at the appropriate time. 

My communication with my spouse may be spotty at times, but that doesn’t mean we neglect our relationship.  We regularly and consistently schedule time to be with one another to just TALK (most times without a dental implement in hand). 

We are gloriously imperfect in each and every way, but we set goals, and give assignments.  And we put our plan into action with a little elbow grease.  We do it, remembering the WHY of it all – not to satisfy some plausible guest who never seems to stop by, nor even to catch up to the Jones family (although we admit that they ARE a nice bunch!) – but because we like it that way.  In fact, we even enjoy it!

I am enough.

I can be happy without being Pinterest Perfect.  While the Internet world of “reality” sometimes creates a facade of perfectly clean homes, the Gerber baby who never cries, and homes decorated to a “T,” I can be happy with what we have and who we are becoming.  I may also (heaven forbid) go without some of the niceties of the luxury homes in order to allow myself to spend more time concentrating my efforts more closely on building a strong home and family.  We can also give ourselves credit for being creative, even if it means that we make a mess for a while. 

We are, after all, learning, growing, and developing together.  In fact, we are a living, breathing work of art!  I suppose the casual passerby may judge me and my efforts (or seemingly lack of them), but that judge won’t be me.  I will give myself grace allowing me and my family space to be real humans. We ARE indeed “good enough.” We can have strength and self – confidence to do and be and achieve in real albeit imperfect ways.

Photo by Christopher Martyn on Unsplash

Introducing MomEconomy: A Barter Services App for Moms

Introducing MomEconomy: A Barter Services App for Moms

At Momivate, we’re thrilled to introduce an exciting new idea for a mom app everyone can use: the MomEconomy app

This innovative app allows mothers to join MomUnity, a network of moms who gather weekly for S.M.I.L.E. (Supporting Moms In Life and Empowerment) meetups. These gatherings are more than just social events—they’re opportunities to connect, share, and empower each other.

But the MomEconomy app isn’t just about community-building. It’s a barter services app that helps you meet your needs and develop self-reliance without using traditional money.

What is a Barter Services App?

A barter services app lets you exchange goods and services directly without using cash. Instead of paying with money, you can offer your skills, services, or products in exchange for what you need.

In the MomEconomy app, you can trade based on mutual needs and agreed-upon values. Instead of traditional currency, you use MomUnits—a virtual currency you earn by offering your services to others within the community.

How Does the MomEconomy App Work?

Infographic showing the MomEconomy app in action with moms exchanging services instead of money.

Here’s an example of MomEconomy in action:

  • Mary is a hairdresser who offers her services in the MomEconomy app, but instead of cash, she accepts MomUnits. The app tracks her balance, so she can easily see how much she’s earned.

  • Mary’s daughter needs piano lessons, so she finds Jane, a piano teacher who accepts MomUnits.

  • Jane, busy preparing for her son’s birthday, needs a cake decorator. She connects with Andrea, a fellow mom who is a talented cake decorator and accepts MomUnits for her work.

  • Andrea needs a haircut, so she uses the app to find Mary and pays with MomUnits for the service.

How Do You Earn MomUnits in the MomEconomy App?

The best way to earn MomUnits is by offering your services in the MomEconomy app.

Do you teach piano? Are you an interior designer? A nail technician? A pro at clothing alterations? You can start earning MomUnits immediately by offering your skills and connecting with other moms who need them.

You can also earn MomUnits by attending S.M.I.L.E. gatherings. Not only will you become part of a close-knit, supportive community, but participating in these meetups will also earn you rewards.

By offering your services and engaging with the community, you’ll be compensated for your skills and efforts while helping to grow the MomEconomy.

How Can Local Businesses Be Involved with MomEconomy?

Imagine a future where businesses—especially those that support mothers—can donate goods and services to MomUnity. These donations would be distributed to MomUnity Members in exchange for MomUnits.

This exchange would create a thriving, mutually beneficial ecosystem where both businesses and moms can exchange value.

In the long term, we envision businesses accepting MomUnits as a form of payment, giving moms a convenient way to access the products and services they need. 

In return, businesses could redeem their MomUnits for donations or tax credits—revolutionizing the way we support each other.

You Can Help Bring the MomEconomy App to Your Phone

MomEconomy is a useful mom app that has the potential to go viral and become a self-sustaining platform. It will help moms meet their educational, financial, and time-management needs through skills exchange and a mom-centered economy.

We need YOU to tell us you’re interested in this app, so we can get it funded and developed. If you think you would use the MomEconomy app, join the list.

We are eager to connect with the right partners to bring this idea to life. Can you help us? Contact us to offer your skills and resources.

What does Self-Reliance mean to you?

What does Self-Reliance mean to you?

By Leigha Westover

Please take a moment to ponder the meaning of Self Reliance.

Webster’s dictionary states that self-reliance is reliance on one’s own efforts and abilities. If we are to take this into account then I am not very self-reliant — I need the aid of others to provide my clothes, food, and shelter.  In our society, we have prospered by using our personal efforts and abilities to share and provide for others’ needs, as they also do for us.  In exchange for the services rendered, we use the value of currency.

As a child, I learned to work and contribute in our home while my father went to work to provide for our needs. As I progressed in years, my desire to become more independent increased. I secured a job in a delicatessen as a part-time server, so I was able to provide for some of the increased desires of a teenager, such as entertainment.  

Approaching my young adult years I continued to thrive and advanced to being able to purchase a car and move into an apartment with other young adults. My understanding of finance was just to meet the basics and get by. As I was learning and growing socially, spiritually, and mentally, I did not increase my understanding of providing beyond what I needed.

I continued to live by the basic principles of earning just enough to get by for the first 25 years of marriage.  We struggled, trying to get ahead financially and we never got there. We always had barely enough for us and sometimes not even that. My underdeveloped outlook on budgeting limited my family. Occasionally I would stretch out my faith to believe there would be enough when the kids wanted to invite a friend to eat with us. And there always was even when I lacked faith and said no.  

As you seek to understand what self-reliance means for you in your life, you may discover that you have more learning to do. Identify principles — statements of truth — you can try to apply to your daily life.


Pay the Lord first (tithing and/or donations), then pay yourself (savings), then SPEND WISELY.

  • This principle has always been on the top of my list.  For doing this I know that all my wants and desires were met.  

Build up the self-discipline necessary to live according to your budget. 

  • I would write out a budget.  But it was limited to our needs, not our desires and goals.

Be willing to sacrifice for the sake of stability.

  • I felt like I was always sacrificing and there was no room for improvement. I learned to grow my willingness to do more if possible and then do it one step at a time.

Less really can be more. Simplify! Embrace the concept of ENOUGH. 

  • Again I felt we had less; what else could I do? I did rearrange where the funds would go, having specific accounts for the necessities that come up.  Dental, Medical, and car repairs.  Things that are not every month but do come up.  

Get out of debt and save to purchase what you want.   

  • When you are tied to payments that use up your paycheck before you receive it, it binds you down.  You may not feel free to be generous and bless others. When reviewing your budget get rid of things you don’t need. Sell off what you can and get rid of the debt to free yourself from the bondage.

Money is not a god worthy of our worship. Trust in financial good karma!

  • My understanding at the time was: “I am blessed to have what I have! Why would I want more when others have less than I do?” This is where I learned I needed to change my attitude. If I want to help others, I have to first be in a position to do so. My budget changed to create more and so I am able to do more.  

It may not always be money you will be blessed with. It may be as simple as creating a revolving closet in your home or extra food in your garden etc. .  As you are blessed with plenty, bless others with it as well.  We do not need to hold on when others burdens can be lighter. 

Work together to make things work: Value ALL the work necessary to make a family successful, whether or not it brings in financial income. 

  • As a family, counsel together and help each other understand and know their needs and desires. Work together to set goals to help each other feel like they are a part of the solution to pay for a family vacation, a new car or repairs, a soccer club, braces, or medical expenses.

In the Bible, we read “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). I believe that if our desire is to do good continually to comfort, strengthen, and clothe our neighbor (love them!), we must budget wisely, and then when we are blessed with excess, we can pass it on to others.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Postpartum Depression – What is it and What Should I Do About it?

Postpartum Depression – What is it and What Should I Do About it?

By Brittany Sewall 

Having a baby is an exciting moment! There are a lot of changes you go through as a woman; physically, mentally, and emotionally. It is a rollercoaster ride of emotions those first few days after welcoming your little one into this world. You experience highs and lows, and you may be flooded with joy, love, fear, and anxiety. This is all very common for most women to experience in those first few days after birth, lasting up to the first two weeks. This is referred to as the baby blues, which you might have heard of before. The baby blues affect 50-75% of women, and typically start within a couple of days after giving birth and can last up to two weeks. Baby blues symptoms can include:

    •     Anxiety
    •     Sadness
    •     Mood swings
    •     Feeling irritable or overwhelmed
    •     Crying for no reason
    •     Irregular appetite
    •     Difficulty sleeping

 If these symptoms do not resolve after two weeks, seem to be worsening or feel more intense, it could be postpartum depression (PPD).

PPD is a serious mental condition that affects your physical health and behavior. The symptoms of PPD usually develop within the first few weeks after childbirth but can happen up to one year after your baby is born. It is easy to mistake PPD for the baby blues at first because the symptoms are very similar. However, with PPD, the symptoms may start to affect your ability to care for your baby or interfere with tasks of daily living. Symptoms of PPD can include:

    •     Feeling shameful
    •     Feeling guilty or worthless
    •     Persistent sadness, hopelessness, or crying
    •     Anger or mood swings
    •     Sleeping more or less than normal
    •     Inability to care for yourself or your baby
    •     Loss of appetite
    •     Feeling hostile towards your baby
    •     Difficulty bonding with your baby
    •     Intense anxiety
    •     Withdrawing from family and friends
    •     Thoughts of harming yourself or your baby

 Postpartum depression affects 1 in 7 women. If a woman has a history of PPD with previous pregnancies, she has a 30% higher chance of having it again. You also might be at a higher risk if you have bipolar disorder, your baby has health issues, you have twins or triplets, if the pregnancy was unwanted, if you’re having relationship problems, have a weak support system, or financial problems.

If you, or someone you know, might be experiencing PPD, please reach out. Talk to your partner, talk to your nurse, talk to your doctor or midwife. Please do not suffer in silence. Some women try to hide these feelings. They might feel like they are a bad mother, feel ashamed or guilty. Some women feel like they are the only ones feeling this way or that it’s not normal, which then can make them feel embarrassed. There are multiple options for mothers suffering with PPD that can help.

Therapy is a very common treatment option for PPD. Counseling can help you dive into your emotions, try to understand, and work through them. Support groups can also be a helpful avenue as it allows you the opportunity to talk with other women who are experiencing the same thing and can help you feel less alone. Dealing with PPD can make people feel very secluded, so knowing other people that are going through similar struggles can be very comforting. Another treatment some women explore is medications. Most commonly doctors will prescribe an antidepressant which can help manage your symptoms. There are also antidepressants that are safe to take while breastfeeding, so if you’re nursing you don’t have to stop in order to take these. You and your doctor can work together to find the right medication and right dosage. It does typically take several weeks for these medications to start working, so try not to stress if you don’t feel any different immediately after starting one.

Postpartum depression is no joke. It is a serious condition that can often be overlooked as “normal” for mothers to experience. Please speak up if you are experiencing any of these symptoms that describe PPD. Work with your health care team to find the right treatment plan for you so you can start healing mentally. Ignoring these symptoms can eventually affect your baby. To give the best care to your baby, you must take care of yourself too.

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2022, November 24). Postpartum depression. Mayo Clinic. 

Postpartum depression: Causes, symptoms & treatment. Cleveland Clinic. (2024, July 17). 

Postpartum depression: Office on Women’s Health. OASH | Office on Women’s Health. (2023, October 17).

Photo by Tiago Bandeira on Unsplash

Time Tested Truths to Turn on the “Love-Meter” in Your Home

Time Tested Truths to Turn on the “Love-Meter” in Your Home

By Annette T. Durfee

One of my favorite things to do while growing up was to visit my grandmother’s homes on both sides of my family.  I think everyone enjoyed it!  Now I have to mention that while some people have “cookie” Grandmas, I had two ice “cream Grandmas”!  My Grandma Durrant always had her freezer stocked with a favorite flavor at a moment’s notice.  And my Grandma Tenney would let us sit on her back porch and grind the handle of the old-fashioned ice cream maker with a fresh cream mixture until the ice cream was nice and thick!  YUM!  So, was it the ice cream factor that made my Grandma’s home such a special place to visit?  Being the ice cream lover that I am, I hope you won’t think it too suspicious if I told you, “YES!”

But, of course, there was more, much more! In fact, everything in my grandmother’s homes spoke in a special way to my heart:  Giant hugs I received on her doorstep or the twinkle in their eyes and a smile that spoke, “I’m so glad you’re here!  You’ve really made my day!”  Fresh veggies and cantaloupe from the garden or the aroma of freshly baked bread smothered with honey!  Books and toys especially for the grandkids.  Handcrafted paintings, homemade pillows, and pictures of the family on the fireplace mantle let us know who she truly prized. And always, Grandma’s humming in the background as she tidied up her home in the early morning hours, ready at a moment’s notice to spend a little time with us.  Rain or shine, at Grandma’s, we were instantly comfortable, instantly welcome, instantly at home. 

Don’t we all want that kind of a home?  A home filled with warmth and love!  Happily, it is something we can all achieve with work, creativity, time, and a whole lot of help from above!  One song that describes this loving ambiance we want in our homes is called, “Home,” written by Caroline Eyring Miner:

Home is where the heart is
Where warmth and love abound
Home is where encircling arms
Go all the way around.
–by Caroline Eyring Miner

A home, as we all know, is more than just the furniture and the stuff we own.  It is made up of the people who live there – our family!  Therefore, in order for a home to have that ambiance of love that we desire, one of the most important things we can do is to prioritize our time to strengthen our relationships with our families. 

 In families, love is spelled T-I-M-E. Time spent with our families is a true investment that pays long term dividends. When we spend time with our family, we increase our family’s capacity to feel loved and secure in our home. What we are really saying is, “I have time for you. You are important to me.” Time spent with family doesn’t have to be expensive to be effective, but both quantity as well as quality are important and consistency is key. 

 How do YOU spell love with your family?  What message are you sending with the events on your calendar?  Here are a few ways that strong families send their families a little love note to pump up the love-meter in their homes:

1. Set aside a weekly family night – What could be better than a time reserved just for your family each week where you all have a blast together?!  Start out with one and build up to planning out a few at a time.  Keep it simple or spruce it up.  Just make it a night that the whole family looks forward to!  It’s a great time to teach your family values as well as life skills.  Play games and activities or go on outings!  Maybe even work on a project together once in a while!  And always – I mean ALWAYS –  include a special treat! 

2. Set aside a weekly family planning meeting – This is a great time to calendar events, share goals and dreams, and express ideas that will strengthen your family and leave everyone feeling calm and reassured.  What can you do to assist them?  How can they in turn help the family run more smoothly?  You can do this as part of your weekly family night or at dinner.  Just find whatever time works best for your family.

3. Individual Attention – One-on-one time with your children can be an effective way to connect with them even if it’s only a few minutes a day.  Maybe you do this as you prepare dinner together, go on a short outing, run an errand together, or enjoy a special bedtime routine.  Letting them talk about whatever is on their mind and really listening to them without judgment or criticism will help them to feel important and loved. 

4. Unplug – In a world that is running at breakneck speed, we don’t want our families to get lost in the shuffle.  So be sure to take a little time each day AWAY from phones, computers, television, and so on, not only to benefit yourself, but so that the whole family can really connect.  This electronic free time becomes your chance to look each other in the eyes, talk together, laugh together and learn from one another, so don’t let it pass you by!

5. Eat meals together – Even if you can’t do it for every meal of every single day, do what you can to regularly schedule this important time together.  Making it a priority to eat together blesses our families tremendously!  Children whose families eat together not only develop healthier eating patterns and have better health, but they have a better vocabulary and academic performance, a higher self-esteem, a greater sense of reliance, and a lower risk of depression, substance abuse, and teen pregnancy.

6. Make and keep family traditions – Silly or special, extensive or simple,  taking time to infuse family traditions lights a spark of joy and love in families.  Some families have a song or a cheer.  Some gather for a family prayer and group hug before heading out the door each morning. Some explore a special place each year.  It really doesn’t matter what the tradition is, only that you do it and remember to keep doing it.  Whether it’s as simple as having green eggs and ham on St. Patrick’s Day, strawberry pancake stacks on Valentine’s, or a treasure hunt on birthdays to find the presents, traditions not only give children something fun to look forward to, but help them to feel emotionally supported.

My grandmothers always had time for their family.  They could have done a million other things, but instead they chose us.  They turned on the love-meter in their homes by including us in their lives – teaching us how to do ceramics, raking the leaves together, playing a game of cards, and going for a walk together to the post office. The ambiance in their homes was more than just physical surroundings, although that was certainly part of it.  By opening up their calendars, what they were doing in essence was allowing us the time to open up our hearts to them, time with which they could then use to share their powerful influence for good.  Now that’s what I call time well spent!