
The “gear” of INNOVATE is necessary because Momivate is a very forward-looking organization. While we want to give our children the benefit of being raised by the woman who loves them most, we do not want to go back in time and become “housewives” (who wants to be married to a house?) or “stay-at-home moms” (sounds like you’re talking to a dog!). We want to focus the majority of our time and talents on raising our children during their formative years while integrating aspects of our pre-mom identities into these intensive mothering years.
Our programs in this area involve thinking outside the box, purposely encouraging the evolution of motherhood to be a more desirable profession, not in competition with but as enrichment to our personal progress. One idea that could revolutionize what motherhood looks like is called MomPods!
We want to keep money from being an enemy to motherhood! We have ideas such as The Revolving Closet (four locations already up and going!) and The MomEconomy App, which simply needs partners in funding in order to become reality. We promote a few other organizations which allow mothers to build and use their skills in ways that do not interfere with their first priority of motherhood.
Here’s a brief look at the other gears:

ACTIVATE means rallying the troops! Enlisting mothers to proudly and dutifully accept the role assigned to them by Mother Nature to help their offspring get to adulthood, contributing positively to society. We want to inspire women to WANT to be mothers and reclaim their right to the throne (since the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world!)
Once a mother has a solid grasp of that responsibility, a common reaction is a humble feeling of overwhelm, such as not knowing enough and worrying we’ll mess up our children because of that lack of knowledge. And so the next gear is CULTIVATE — taking those seeds of maternal instincts and nourishing them into flower power!
As we activate, cultivate, and innovate, the gears move along and we ELEVATE mothers and motherhood, not just in their own eyes, but in the eyes of the world at large. The programs in this area include a Wall of Honor, featuring mothers of all walks of life. We will offer RAISE certification to mothers that will be useful while they’re building their families and we’ll teach employers to value this certification when they see it on a resume!